Just dropped in to say hello....!
Whoo-hoo! No, being Cub Master is not killing me. We just had our Blue & Gold. Weird being in charge of something like that, and actually doing nothing (except to bring a water cooler full of ice water as assigned by my food committee chair...[I always picture a chair]...er..person). Okay, so I also conducted the meeting (child's-play). Still, weird. Weird to delegate and let others be in control of all the different committees.
I do really miss being the Primary Chorister, but not to an obsessed level. Mostly I miss how I am fading into the world of anonymous adults at church. I miss how the little ones used to run up to me with hugs or a picture they drew. Now they look at me tilting their heads as their parents carry them down the long hall, with a look in their eyes as if they have the fringes of a memory of some crazy lady doing the granny dance...somewhere... Just as I think they are going to bury their sleepy Sacrament Meeting eyes into their daddy's neck, I am recognized and a little smile appears. Mmmm-hmmmm. That's a great feeling.
I'd love to hear from you. Comment and tell me how much fun you are having!
Ways to sing when you can’t sing
During Covid lockdown, we could finally meet together with a lot of
restrictions. One of those restrictions was no singing. How could we do
Singing Time in...
1 year ago