Last Sunday went exceptionally well!
However, I only had enough time to teach the sign language for the first verse. This Sunday I'll be showing the movie presentation again, and also teaching the sign language for the second verse. The kids seem to pick it up very quickly, so after we have learned ASL for the second verse, I will "test" them with these flash cards I made:
I printed the all the words we are learning to sign on to 4X6 photo paper, but index cards could be used, or color or white printer paper.
I'll ask one of the children or teachers to be my assistant. I'll shuffle the cards and hand them over to my helper. He or she will randomly show one of the cards to everyone, and we will all make the sign for the word on that card together.
For the younger children in Jr. Primary who can't read yet, just say the word out loud as the card is shown.
When the stack of cards has been gone through thoroughly and everyone seems to know the signs, sing and sign the song together.
Have fun!
Ways to sing when you can’t sing
During Covid lockdown, we could finally meet together with a lot of
restrictions. One of those restrictions was no singing. How could we do
Singing Time in...
11 months ago
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