
Saturday, February 27, 2016

LDS Primary Friends Network Open Invitation
I made a brand-new 
Facebook group

Click Here to Join 

It's brand new tonight and I'm feeling pretty lonely. Come and be part the fun: friends, sharing, great conversation.
Post your primary ideas, successes, and even fails! (We all need a good laugh sometimes)
I'd love to get to know you better. 


Friday, February 19, 2016

7 Secrets of a Primary Chorister

Have you ever thought about how your calling is the best kept secret in all of the church?

I have.

Check out my article, 7 Secrets of a Primary Chorister on my new primary blog, I have all the flip charts over there, and I am adding more, so check back often. Plus, there are lots of free graphics for downloading - and I'm adding more as quickly as I can.

I'll see you there.

Have fun!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

The Creation

Hi Friends,

Check out my new blog, Primary Helpers. I'm working on The Creation right now.