Hi Friends!
I hope you are all doing well and enjoying your chorister callings. I miss it very much, but I am loving my calling as Relief Society Advisor, too, and finally getting the hang of it.
School is fantastic, although I had no idea I'd be spending every spare moment doing homework. My husband has been wonderful in keeping things running smoothly at home.
I have had some requests for my Have I Done Any Good flip chart. I have added it to my Dropbox files and you should be able to download it from this link:
You should not need a Dropbox account to download it, but if it tells you you do, it's easy and free. I love Dropbox and recommend it highly! Makes it so easy to share photos albums with family and friends, as well as files and documents. You can get free space if others in your circles sign up for Dropbox.
Have fun!
Ways to sing when you can’t sing
During Covid lockdown, we could finally meet together with a lot of
restrictions. One of those restrictions was no singing. How could we do
Singing Time in...
1 year ago