I recently polled my visitors:
"In Sacrament Meeting" was sort of supposed to be, well, funny, because really, I. AM. HUMAN. I'm often so caught up in my life or in the lives of my children, that I just don't get my primary things done by 9:00 AM on a Sunday morning! (Or, pathetically, by 1:00 PM on a Sunday afternoon.) So when I took my own poll, I marked "In Sacrament Meeting", as well as "Weekly" and "Yearly", Cuz...sometimes...Sacrament Meeting is all I have left! Now, before you shake your head and tsk-tsk at me, know this:
I am also a control freak, not a perfectionist, mind you, (there's a big difference!) but a CONTROL freak. I have a need for order. So, yes, I am one of those people who plan a whole year in advance. For primary music.
So, here it is, *...drum roll*... my planned out, imperfect, extremely flexible music schedule for 2011. I have done this same format for two years previous. My presidency loves me for it. I copy one for each of them as well as the pianist.
I have not included the "songs of choice" for April or June in this copy. Also, my stake conference schedule will likely be different from yours, but if you would like to have a copy of this actual schedule, feel free to download this non-editable PDF:
Primary Schedule 2011.pdf
If you would like to have the editable version, it is possible if you have the program it was created in; Microsoft Office Publisher (which you will have if you own the Microsoft Office Suite). Email me at bridgettepatterson@gmail.com for a copy of the Publisher version.
We have about 100 children in our primary, so we are divided into Junior and Senior primaries. My Sunday schedule goes something like this:
After Sacrament Meeting, before Junior Primary Opening Exercises starts, (sort of a chaotic time, right?) I jump right into singing the prelude wiggle songs. We add more songs, or sing less, depending on the cue from the presidency member who is conducting. It really quiets the children down and brings everyone's attention to the front of the room.
After a welcome from the presidency member, we have the scripture, the reverence song, prayer, and talks. Immediately following we have the welcome song for new children or visitors, and then the birthday song for those who had a birthday in the past week. Next we have a wiggle song, and then another reverence song to quiet the children and prepare them for Sharing Time. After Sharing Time, we have Singing Time, where we work on the songs of the month.
After Singing Time with Junior Primary, I go directly into the nursery and sing fun songs with them for 10 minutes.
When I return to the Primary room, the Senior Primary children are already having their Sharing Time. When their Sharing Time is over, I'm up again for Singing Time. After my time is up, we go directly into Senior Primary Closing Exercises. We do the welcome song and the birthday song first. Then we have the talks, the Scripture, the reverence song, and the closing prayer. So the difference between the two groups for me is that the Senior Primary does not have the prelude wiggle songs, the wiggle song (after the birthday song), nor the second reverence song.
Ahhhh.....Clear as mud?
Ways to sing when you can’t sing
During Covid lockdown, we could finally meet together with a lot of
restrictions. One of those restrictions was no singing. How could we do
Singing Time in...
1 year ago