

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Holy Ghost

Here's a video I made to introduce The Holy Ghost (Children's Songbook p.105):

{Update: Previously I referred to an app that would allow you to download this video, but it is no longer available.

However, if you have a portable device (laptop, Surface, iPad, Kindle, etc), try loading the YouTube video at home (or wherever you have an internet connection), then playing it without an internet connection in your primary room.


If you have a smart phone with a hotspot, connect the hotspot to your laptop, iPad or other portable device. Works great if you have an LTE connection. Good luck!}

Here is the PDF for The Holy Ghost:

The Holy Ghost.pdf 

I printed all the pages, two sided, on card-stock on my printer, had them laminated, and bound on the left side, storybook style.


 I am going to start by using this teaching idea from the August 2005 Friend Magazine:

“The Holy Ghost” (p. 105), teaches us many things about the Holy Ghost. Sing the melody and clap the rhythm. Explain that just as the beat is constant, the Holy Ghost can be our constant companion. Invite them to clap the beat with you as you sing it again. Repeat again, this time inviting the children to hum the melody with you as they clap."

I am planning on playing my video, and letting the children just watch it the first time through. The second time I will have them clap the rhythm, and then we will discuss how the Holy Ghost can be our constant companion. The third time I will have them sing along with the video.

After the third time, I will introduce basic sign language signs. The children can watch me, along with the video I have made, and practice the signs as the video plays.

These are the words I plan on teaching the signs for this week, (which I am in the process of learning) from the ASL video from
(Click here to view the sign language video, or here to see a list of all the ASL videos from the Children's songbook.)
  • Christ
  • earth
  • promised
  • send
  • the Holy Ghost
  • comfort
  • eternal
  • friend
  • Holy Spirit (which is the same as Holy Ghost)
  • whispers
  • still
  • small
  • voice
  • testifies
  • God
  • hearts
  • rejoice
  • confirmed
  • priesthood
  • power
  • given to us
  • guide us
  • hour
  • may I
  • listen
  • his light
  • right
  • choice
Next week I will introduce the filler words, such as: when, he, with, I, etc. 

 Have fun! (I know I will!)


  1. Thanks for these ideas - I have been feeling a little sluggish with my creative juices, and this has helped to get me going for this Sunday!

  2. Thank You Thank You Thank You! I can't tell you how much I love your flip charts and Ideas... I've been helping our chorister out with ideas and stuff because she is busy with school. I don't think I could do it without you!

  3. Thanks Kristin, its great to have so many ideas at the tips of our fingers. I love your blog, too!

    Jessica! Hi and you are so welcome! Pass any good ideas you have back at me.

  4. Love all these ideas!Thank you for sharing! To bad it is Saturday afternoon... but I have more than this week to teach it right?! :)

  5. I just wanted to let you know how much I loved your video. It was very beautiful. I am going to try to download it some how to show my primary tomorrow. Thanks!

  6. This is so awesome. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Are you kidding me with that video?? It's perfect!! Thanks again!


  7. I would love a PDF or WORD file of the flipchart with the words. And... could you tell me how to download your beautiful video with music??

    My e-mail is:

    Thanks!! Beautiful work!


  8. Thanks to all!

    @Sheri Absolutely!

    @Carolyn Check your email.:)

  9. Wonderful video! I am going to try and download & burn it before Sunday ... wish me luck!

    Also, if you would be able to send me the PDF of your flip chart, I would appreciate it SO much!

    Thanks from a desperate singing time sub! :)

  10. will convert YouTube videos so you can burn CDs. It converts the file and then emails it to works great!

  11. Thanks Kristy! Check your email.

    ANONYMOUS.....THANK YOU! I tried it and it worked!

  12. Another great site I just came across. Thanks for sharing with the rest of us.

  13. Hi there, (sorry to leave this in a comment I didn't see an email to contact)

    First, I love your blog and just wanted to let you know how useful it is. I am the Primary President in my ward in Oregon.

    Anyway, my name is Jaime and I run a blog called The Dress-up Drawer and I am running a giveaway right now for a Picture Presenter which is specifically made for Primary Choristers! I was just wondering if you could, or would pass this on to your readers since it might be useful to them and is right up their alley. The winner will be announced on Wednesday the 21st.

    Thanks for your time, and here is the direct link to the giveaway post on my blog in case you want to check it out:

    ~ Jaime

  14. You are so cute! I can't believe you have 11 grand children! I also love photography, reading, and quilting. :) I just got called as the primary chorister-I'm loving your blog right now! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I'm so excited to show the dvd tomorrow it's awesome!

  15. Hello, I can't get zamzar to work, so could you email me the file? It might just be my dvd burning software that's having the problem, but I'd like to keep trying! Thanks,

  16. I would LOVE the pdf to the AMAZING flipchart! I just discovered your blog, but will be adding you to my primary blog list! Thank YOu!

    -Spring Hill Ward, TN Chorister

  17. I would love the pdf and the flipchart as well. I love your blog! I just got put in as chorister and WOW I'm overwhelmed! Thanks for taking time to serve others!

  18. Thanks so much for your ideas!!! I cannot print the pictures with and without words. Can you send it to my e-mail?

  19. Here I am Saturday night looking for a great idea to introduce this song and I find THIS!! If you get this could you please email me the link to the video? I would love to have this to share!
    Thank you so much! It's perfect!

  20. Your video is perfect! I tried to download from youtube with zamzar, but it looks like zamzar can no longer download youtube videos. Is there any way you could send me the file?

    1. Hi April - I emailed you! Thanks for your sweet comment.
      Good Luck & Have Fun,

  21. Same question as April, can the video file be emailed?

    1. Hi Skinner Family,
      Check out my response in the comment below.
      Thanks,Love & Have Fun,

  22. Hi All,

    To answer some of your questions:

    If the PDF link above is not working, try downloading it from here:

    or Yes, I would be happy to email you the PDF file. Contact me here:

    I would LOVE to email you the original VIDEO file, but I cannot for a couple of reasons:

    1. It would be too large to send via email.
    2. The original file was destroyed when my old laptop died.

    However, if you own a portable device (laptop, Surface, iPad, Kindle, etc), try loading the YouTube video at home (or wherever you have an internet connection), then playing it without an internet connection in your primary room.


    If you have a smart phone with a hotspot, connect the hotspot to your laptop, iPad or other portable device. Works great if you have an LTE connection.

    I hope this helps. Thanks so much for all your kind comments.

    Have Fun,
    Bridgette Patterson
