

Friday, May 28, 2010

Who? What? How?

Every last Sunday of the month, I review all the program songs we have learned. This is a review game I came up with that we will be doing again this Sunday.  Its a lot of fun and the kids really love it:

You will need:
  1. 3 empty containers (I used recycled frosting containers after removing the labels.)
  2. Labels (I printed mine on card stock and taped them on the containers.)
  3. Directions printed on slips of paper. Make sure you have an equal amount in each container:
For the "Who?" container:
  • Boys
  • Girls
  • Teachers
  • Everyone
  • Black/brown/hazel eyes
  • Blue/green eyes
  • Wearing anything black
  • Wearing anything white
  • Birthday in January-June
  • Birthdat in July-December
  • Cat lovers
  • Dog lovers
  • Horse lovers
  • Broccoli lovers
  • Left handed (that's me!)
  • Right handed
For the "What" container:
  • Teach Me to Walk in the Light verse 1 (or whatever song you are learning for May)
  • Teach Me to Walk in the Light verse 2
  • Teach Me to Walk in the Light verse 3
  • The Church of Jesus Christ
  • Follow the Prophet, Adam
  • Follow the Prophet, Enoch
  • Follow the Prophet, Noah
  • Follow the Prophet, Moses
  • Follow the Prophet, Abraham
  • Follow the Prophet, Jonah
  • Follow the Prophet, Daniel
  • Follow the Prophet, Samuel
  • Follow the Prophet, Thomas S. Monson
  • He Sent His Son
  • I Know That My Savior Loves Me, verse 1
  • I Know That My Savior Loves Me, verse 2
For the "How" container:
  • Very fast
  • Very slow
  • Very high
  • Very low
  • Whisper-sing
  • Like a cowboy/cowgirl
  • With eyes closed
  • With no blinking
  • Like a billy goat
  • Happy
  • Sad
  • Swaying
  • Like an opera Star
  • Plug your nose
  • Like a baby
  • Like a grandpa/grandma

    1. Make a label for each of the three containers. 
    2. Tape or glue the labels on the containers.
    3. Print the above directions on paper and cut apart. 
    4. Fold each slip of paper and put in the appropriate container.
      How To Play: 

      When singing time begins, walk in, full of enthusiasm, like a game show host:

      You: "Hello boys and girls, and welcome to another round of (be dramatic) WHO? WHAT? HOW?! What's the name of the game?"

      Pause, cupping your hand to your ear, and point to the first container labeled "Who?", then "What?", then "How?"

      Children: "Who?What? How?"

      You: "Very good boys and girls! For today's show we are going to review all the primary songs we have learned this year! Who will be our first contestant to choose (be dramatic) Whooo?, Whaaaat?, and Hoooow? we sing?"

      Children will raise their hands. Choose a child to come to the front and take a slip of paper from each container. Have the child sit down and then read what has been drawn. For example: 

      You: "Alright-y then! Johnny has chosen these three slips of paper! Lets see WHO is going to sing first. Aha! It says everyone with black, brown or hazel eyes! And just WHAT will they be singing today? 'Follow the Prophet, Adam'. Excellent! And now, HOW are our black, brown and hazel eyed friends going to sing? Aha! They are going to sing like a billy goat! Would all the black, brown, and hazel eyed persons please stand!"

      Direct all the black/brown/hazel eyed children and leaders in singing 'Follow the Prophet, Adam', like a billy goat. Continue until all the songs and verses have been sung. 

      Have Fun!


      1. I like this idea! AWESOME blog, btw--I'm not even a primary chorister, but want to use your ideas for FHE because you are just plain awesome!!!

        I worry about my kids accidentally drawing "sing like a billy goat" or plugging their noses during a song about something sacred like the Savior, temple, or Holy Ghost. Should I maybe leave out the third canister unless someone draws a song from the "blue" section of the children's songbook?

      2. Thanks OS! (akaJT:)And very good point! Yes you could do that. But remember the children are not actually privy to what is on the slips of paper unless you show it to them. If a slip of paper reads "Sing like a billy goat", but the song is of a sacred nature, perhaps you could prepare in your memory something ahead of time, and instead of reading what is on the paper, you could say "Sing like Jesus is in the room" or "Make up your own sign language".

        Anyone else have any ideas?

      3. Love this idea! Thank you so much...I appreciate your blog so much for people like me that cannot come up with their own creative ideas. The children are going to love this...junior and senior!

      4. I love finding these great review games on your blog. Thanks also for the "script", those of us who are reserved would probably not think of it, but I would imagine that it makes the game more fun. :O) I'm off to get this ready to use. I am probably also too reserved to sing like a billy goat or to plug my nose and will probably just list the more reverent ways to sing for the how can. You've given several choices and there are more that one can think of. Thanks for sharing this.

      5. You are waaaaaaay more fun than I am! And slightly crazy, but I love you and haven't even met you!

      6. Hehe...Peggy, you made me smile. Love you too!
