

Saturday, September 3, 2011


*Yawn* *Yawn!* I am soooo tired.

It's been a long week for me. If you are up late looking for primary singing time ideas later than 10:00 PM on a Saturday night (church starts for me at 9:00 AM), then you are probably just as tired as I am! Maybe more so.

4th Sunday's the last week and the last chance I have to really solidify The Lord Gave Me a Temple before we start reviewing ALL the program songs for five weeks solid. So I think I am going to do a repeat of Singing Bee.

It's easy. It's fun.



More like B r i l l i a n t

Have fun!


  1. Isn't it the 1st Sunday? I'm so confused. Bridgette, you're so tired you didn't realize it's SEPTEMBER now!! lol

  2. Sheesh. My own "Brilliance" never ceases to amaze me.

    Brilliant indeed.

    Thanks for the heads up Peggy. :)

  3. I just got called to be Primary Chorister today. I start next Sunday. Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! I've was teaching Primary, then I got asked to play the piano, and now I'm going to be Chorister. There is SO MUCH work to do to get these kids ready for the Primary Program!!! They don't know the songs very well at all, and I'm quite nervous! I think I will do your Truth and Consequences game next week.

  4. I've just got to say, I was looking for some no-prep review activities because I was in the very same position you were in: late night...tired...had to prepare for Sunday...kind of night. I'd never tried your Spelling Bee idea & wanted to review our Search, Ponder & Pray to make sure the kids knew it. (which btw, why in the world didn't that song get put into the outline seeing as the last line, "I know the scriptures are true." is the THEME this year?!)

    Anyway, as those sweet little voices would do their "solos", I almost fell apart! Talk about feeling the spirit SO strong in that primary room! It wasn't the kids singing in tune or on tempo or having professional voices. But having the desire and the effort and the willingness to get up to that mic and show the primary how well they could remember the song. It made me so proud! They are getting so prepared for our program and even though I know we won't have a children's Tabernacle choir singing, I know He will bless our sweet primary during the program. (and me, too, so I won't be bawling my eyes out as I lead them. :)

  5. Ooops, almost forgot. Thank you SO much for your wonderful idea. I'm sure you can see how much it blessed me and our primary children. :)

  6. Aprilyn, you are going to be fantastic! And a bonus, the children are already familiar with you! Go get 'em!

    Jody, I loved reading your comment. Firstly, it's good to know I am not the only one up so late prepping on Saturday night! Secondly, I agree with you on Search Ponder and Pray! So perfect for this year! And Thirdly, I had a similar experience when we played Spelling Bee this past Sunday, too. It always warms my heart when those little ones, some who just stare at you most of the time, get up to the mic and actually sing the words! And yes, the Spirit is strong and testifies of the truths sung in the songs.
    Thank you very much for your kind words. :)

  7. Thanks for the wonderful ideas. I'm two weeks into this calling, and I know I'm going to love it...once I get over the fact that I'm doing it. I appreciate you sharing your talents with the rest of us :)
