

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Primary Feud

It's the last Sunday in February, and I want to review both January's and February's songs. We are going to play:
Primary Feud

You will need:
  •       Something to hit the table with.  I am going to use two fly swatters, each decorated with a silk flower.  Children could use their hands instead, slapping them on the table when they know the answer.  Another option would be to have a bell, or two bells. You could also use one object in the middle of the table that a child could grab if they know the answer, like a stuffed animal or even a sock or glove. 

  •  A small classroom table 
  • Create questions about the song or songs you are reviewing.  Make them challenging and thought provoking for Senior Primary, but make them extremely easy and obvious for Jr. Primary.  
  • Or use my questions below. Copy and paste them into your own word processor, or open and print this: Trivia Review.pdf    Cut each question/answer/song phrase into a paper strip.  Fold each slip of paper and put them in a hat or a bowl or basket or any container. Make sure you separate the Senior Primary questions from the Junior Primary questions.

To Play:
I plan to sing both review songs before starting. I'll tell the children to listen carefully to the words in the song as they sing, so they will be able to "win" at the game we will be playing! After singing, invite two contestants (two children, or a teacher and a child) to come to the front of the room. Explain that you will read a trivia question drawn from your hat/basket/container. The first contestant who knows the answer will slap the fly swatter on the table. Whichever contestant has slapped first will give an answer. If they do not answer correctly, make a dramatic "Wha-Wha-Wha-Whaaaaa" or "Bzzzzzt!"sound to indicate they were incorrect, and give the other contestant a chance to answer correctly. When the correct answer is given, have everyone sing the part of the song written after the question.  Next, two new contestants come to the table to try to answer the next question. Keep playing until you have about three of four minutes left, and then sing both songs all the way through again. 

Senior Primary Trivia Questions:

Unscramble this opposite phrase in the song, “I Will Follow God’s Plan for Me”:
Your death is not stolen property
My life is a gift
(Sing first two phrases of I will follow God’s Plan for Me)

Unscramble this opposite phrase in the song, “I Will Follow God’s Plan for Me”:
Your expiration is random
My life has a plan
(Sing first two phrases of I will follow God’s Plan for Me)

Unscramble this opposite phrase in the song, “I Will Follow God’s Plan for Me”:
Your demise has no direction
My life has a purpose
(Sing first two prases of I will follow God’s Plan for Me)

Unscramble this opposite phrase in the song, “I Will Follow God’s Plan for Me”:
Out of outer darkness it ended
In heaven it began
(Sing first two phrases of I will follow God’s Plan for Me)

Unscramble this opposite phrase in the song, “I Will Follow God’s Plan for Me”:
You were forced to leave that ugly foreign place on the moon
My choice was to come to this lovely home on earth
(Sing phrases 3 and 4 of I will follow God’s Plan for Me)

Unscramble this opposite phrase in the song, “I Will Follow God’s Plan for Me”:
And run away from the darkness to let me do my own thing until I’m old.
And seek for God’s light to direct me from birth
(Sing phrases 3 and 4 of I will follow God’s Plan for Me)

Unscramble this opposite phrase in the song, “I Will Follow God’s Plan for Me”:
I won’t lead disorganization for you!
 I will follow God’s plan for me!
(Sing chorus of I will follow God’s Plan for Me)

Unscramble this opposite phrase in the song, “I Will Follow God’s Plan for Me”:
Letting go slowly of my mumbling and my impatience
Holding fast to His word and His love
(Sing chorus of I will follow God’s Plan for Me)

Unscramble this opposite phrase in the song, “I Will Follow God’s Plan for Me”:
You won’t play, you will not say mean things
I will work, and I will pray
(Sing chorus of I will follow God’s Plan for Me)

Unscramble this opposite phrase in the song, “I Will Follow God’s Plan for Me”:
You will not ever run off in the wrong direction
 I will always walk in his way
(Sing chorus of I will follow God’s Plan for Me)

Unscramble this opposite phrase in the song, “I Will Follow God’s Plan for Me”:
Now you will be miserable on Mars
Then I will be happy on earth
(Sing chorus of I will follow God’s Plan for Me)

Unscramble this opposite phrase in the song, “I Will Follow God’s Plan for Me”:
And out of your shack below
And in my home above
(Sing chorus of I will follow God’s Plan for Me)

Recite the first phrase of “If I Listen with My Heart”?
If I had been a little child when Jesus lived on earth
(Sing verse one of If I listen with My Heart)

In the song “If I Listen with My Heart” how does the first verse teach us to listen with our hearts to hear the Savior’s voice?
Searching the scriptures
(Sing verse one of If I listen with My Heart)

In the song “If I Listen with My Heart” how does the second verse teach us to listen with our hearts to hear the Savior’s voice?
Listening to the living prophet
(Sing verse two of If I listen with My Heart)

In the song “If I Listen with My Heart” how does the third verse teach us to listen with our hearts to hear the Savior’s voice?
Listening to the Holy Ghost
(Sing verse three of If I listen with My Heart)

Name four specific things the Holy Spirit does in the song “If I Listen with my Heart”?
·         Teaches truth and right
·         Comforts me in times of need
·         Testifies of Christ
·         Speaks to me in quiet ways that fill my soul with peace
(Sing verse three of If I listen with My Heart)

According to the song “If I Listen with my Heart” what will happen as you search the scriptures?
As I search the scriptures I can hear His (Christ’s) words of peace.
(Sing verse one of If I listen with My Heart)

According to the song “If I Listen with my Heart” what does the prophet teach us?
How to live in righteousness and peace
(Sing verse two of If I listen with My Heart)

How many times is the word “peace” sung in the song “If I Listen with My Heart?”
(Sing verse 2 or 3 of If I listen with My Heart)

Junior Primary Trivia Questions:

Where did you live before you came to earth?
In heaven
(Sing verse first two lines of I will follow God’s Plan for Me)

Is your life a gift?
(Sing first two lines of I will Follow God’s Plan for Me)

What does “my choice ” mean?
It means I get to choose.
(Sing lines 3 and 4 of I Will Follow God’s Plan for Me)

Where you once a baby?
(Sing lines 3 and 4 of I Will Follow God’s Plan for Me)

Complete this phrase: I will follow God’s plan ___ __.
“For me”
(Sing chorus of I Will Follow God’s Plan for Me)

Where do we find God’s words?
(Sing chorus of I Will Follow God’s Plan for Me)

Name somebody you know who works and prays.
(No wrong answer)
(Sing chorus of I Will Follow God’s Plan for Me)

How can you be happy on earth?
(No wrong answer)
(Sing chorus of I Will Follow God’s Plan for Me)

What will happen if you listen with your heart?
I will hear the Savior’s voice
(Sing verse one of If I listen with My Heart)

Who is our living prophet today?
Thomas S. Monson
(Sing verse two of If I listen with My Heart)

Who is the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Ghost, Comforter, a member of the Godhead, etc.
(Sing verse three of If I listen with My Heart)

Have fun!


  1. Thank you. This is such a wonderful idea!!

  2. Bridgette....YOU are my hero! This is amazing! XOXOX

  3. What a fun idea! I'm using this tomorrow in singing time. Thank you!

  4. Yeah! Thanks! I have singing time for today!! Excellent!

  5. Thank you for posting this! I appreciate you giving me the rules and the questions. I was looking for a way to review the songs and this was perfect! It was especially great because all I had to do was print and go--so easy. Thank you! I do have to say that many of the unscramble questions stumped the senior primary, how'd it go for you?

  6. Thanks so much for this! It went well in my primary, but I didn't use any of the unscramble questions. I thought they would be way too hard, so I made up my own for that portion. Thanks for the great idea, though!

  7. Thanks for your kind comments everyone. It is great to hear from you all!

    Evelaina, Yup, stumped my kids, too! Easier questions might have been more fun.

    @The Holts...good job on making your own questions!

    In my primary, Junior Primary was really fun. I paired a teacher against each child, and the teachers all gave their "opponent" a chance to think and come up with their best answer, and letting them hit the fly swatter on the table first. We got through all the Junior Primary trivia questions.

    Senior Primary I paired teachers against students again, and they did indeed have a difficult time unscrambling the phrases, but once they caught on the kids who were the "audience" were ready to burst out of their chairs wanting to tell the answer. We didn't get through all the questions, but it was still a lot of fun. I found that if they were completely stumped on any question, I had my pianist, Diana, play the phrase and the kids would immediately get it right.

  8. Thank you SO MUCH for this! I used your cute idea last Sunday in our primary and it was SO FUN! I went ahead and used ALL the questions... our kids were so smart! I loved the giggles I got as I read the scrambled ones (ie: then you will be miserable on Mars)! They caught on & figured them out pretty quickly! I rang a bell when they got the answer right, and buzzed the buzzer from our Taboo game when they got it wrong. Such a fun day!

    Thanks again for all you do! I'm sure you will be blessed for sharing your talents like you are! I'm a huge fan!
