

Friday, April 15, 2011

Praise to the Man

I know this is going to be my favorite song to teach this year. I have been over the top excited about it since I saw it in our 2011 Outline for Sharing Time.

This flip chart has 33 pages, but you will want to print it double-sided on white card stock, so you will actually need only 17 sheets of card stock. Click here to open and print the pdf:

After it is printed, laminate the pages and then have them bound on the left side in storybook form. They should look something like this:
This is the cover page:
These are two page views:

Have fun!


  1. I gotta say, this gave me goose bumps just reading through it. It's one of my favorite songs and I too was excited to see it as one for this year! Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures, they fit perfectly!

  2. This is beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing. I am excited to sing this song with the kids, but a little nervous to teach it so this will help!

  3. Thank you for these visuals! But.. HELP! How are you going to teach it to the children? Its a big song for jr. primary... but I am sure they will love it.. just don't know what my game plan is!

  4. Thanks for the kind comments.

    Becky, I'll be teaching this song next week (April 24). I'll begin by going over the song phrase by phrase, making sure the children understand the words. There will be a lot of repetition with the phrases and having them echo after me. With such a long song, I may be doing this the first couple of weeks. I'll be posting my ideas.

  5. I, too, will be starting this one early, using your wonderful flip chart. I have highlighted the difficult words. When we come to those words I will give an explanation of the word meaning. Then by the 2nd or 3rd week we will do a matching game where we match the difficult words to word strips with the definitions. This will probably only work for Sr. Primary, so I am hoping the Jr. Primary can learn it with lots of repetition.
    Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas!

  6. I have only been in a month and you have saved me. How do you teach mother's day songs on top of all of the normal ones??? I am so nervous for the next three weeks. I love this song, but I am scared to try to teach it to the kids. Thanks for the flip chart.

  7. Thanks for the excellent ideas Peggy, my friend!

    Bret and Amy: Luckily I have 5-10 minutes before opening exercises (while the kids are getting in their seats and while the Presidency is getting prepared) to do fun songs with the kids. It's a great place to teach/sing holiday songs. I don't spend a lot of time on holiday songs (except for Christmas) during singing time simply because my priority is getting the Program song learned. Just my preference. :)

  8. Bret and Amy: ....Ohhh...that is, unless we are asked to sing in Sacrament Meeting for Mother's Day or Father's day...which we have not been this year. In that case I would be sure to start several weeks early, and spend only as much time as needed.

  9. Best chart I've seen. Beautiful job!

  10. Thank you Bridges, this is a lovely flipchart!

  11. I'm only going to teach the chorus of this song to my Jr. Primary. I intend on using this as my solo and small group song. We will go over the words and song a few times all together but I'm going to work on individuals having a time to shine even as we practice. Depending on how many kids want to have solos or sing in small groups will depend on how I break up the song. I would like it to build. Solo (first two lines) solo (second two lines), duet (first two lines of the chorus), trio (second two lines of the chorus, Slowly adding children into the song ending with the congregation joining in. This will cut down on the stress of teaching every word to every child from memory!

  12. Crazy question, but does your printer have a double sided print option or do you flip over half of the pages and run them through again? p.s. Do you get reimbursed for the ink & paper you use? It seems like this would take a good amount of ink to print!

  13. Once again you have saved me with another flip chart!! You are awesome! Thank you so much :)

  14. Thanks all.

    Hi Evelania. Yes, my printer has an option to print on both sides of the paper, manually, meaning, it prints all the odd pages first, then a window appears and prompts me to turn the pages around, and reinstall them in the paper tray. I hit OK and it finishes printing all the even pages.

    Check with your presidency to see if you can get reimbursed for ink and paper, etc. In my situation, I turn my receipts for *paper, binding and laminating, and I do get reimbursed. When I first decided to make flip-charts I talked with my presidency and got approval from them, and they were happy to work with me. I don't ask for ink reimbursement, but if I wanted reimbursement for ink I think my presidency would be okay with it.

    *I usually buy a ream of white card stock for printing my flip charts, about once per year.

  15. Thanks for the great flip chart. Rather than laminate the pages and binding them, I put them in sheet protectors in a half inch binder. It looks great. I am going to introduce the song by having the children guess who it is about. I am cutting an 11 by 17 picture of the prophet into 8 puzzle pieces with one line from the first verse and chorus on the back of each piece. Each time they sing a line well I will give them the next piece.

  16. Thank you so much! We are a small Branch in Nelson New Zealand and this is going to be a great help! I just love the video!!!!!! Talk about goose bumps! Thanks Di

  17. I want to try to play the game "Guess Who" I will pass out a sheet of paper with prophet pictures to each child and have them mark of each picture when we find out it is not them. I am just having a hard time figuring out how to do it exactly. They will ask does he have glasses, I will say no then I will say he but he communes with Jehovah and describe what commune means and Jehovah means, and the rest the same way
    Do you think that will work?

  18. @Anonymous: using sheet protectors and a binder is a great alternative. I love your idea to introduce the song!

    @Di: LOVE NZ! (I sent you an email.)

    @Luster: Brilliant!!! Yes, I think it will work and the children are going to love learning with you. Creative!

  19. I have found that teaching the gospel through music is MORE important than teaching program songs. If we focus on teaching the gospel.... the program songs always turn out. Resist the urge to stress about a program. Focus on teaching Primary children how wonderful the gospel is through music. Everything else will just work out.

  20. To teach this song, I want to get the kids excited about the fun marchy beat, so I am going to cut up "pool noodles" so they each can have a "trumpet". I will let them use it as a drum on their chairs at first to get the rhythm, and then to repeat the words back to me, to enhance their voices. It may get a little loud, but I think it will get them excited about the song. We may even march around the room like a marching band while we sing and drum to it :)

  21. I love the flip chart you have created but I am unable to do it in pdf format. Do you have it in word or are you able to do it in word?

  22. Thank you for the flip chart. I was just called into the primary presidency in our small branch in Malaysia and we have no music coordinator. That means I have to teach both jr. and sr. primary kids this song with only a CD player to help. I am not musical myself and have no idea how I'm going to get them to learn the song but I'm sure this flip chart will help me and the kids so much! Thanks to everyone else that left comments for other ideas as well. I need all the help I can get!

  23. I love this flipchart/book. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! It is great that the words are big enough for the kids in the back to see!

    And thank you to all for your ideas for introducing and teaching the song.

    I agree with anonymous about the importance of teaching the gospel through music. The kids will remember the songs more than lessons as they grow. I am grateful for the avenues I have as chorister to bear my testimony every week. We have all felt the sweet Spirit fill the room as we sing and testify together and it's the best feeling. Primary Chorister is the BEST! I will always be glad the outgoing chorister shared her enthusiasm and belief that we are teaching the gospel, not just songs. So remember, lose yourself in the moment (don't forget to plan!) and it will all work out. It is a much more pleasant experience when you don't stress about the program/songs. "The Spirit will guide!"

  24. In our primary, we've been working on this song since late January here and there. We've done a paper plate drum, handbells (yes - even jr), rhythm maps, word searches, and even just jumping to the left and then to the right in time to the beat. Our kids love this song - even jr. is doing it. Don't be afraid! Have fun! I firmly believe this is our opportunity to teach a testimony of Joseph Smith with this exciting song! Sing it with enthusiasm and honor. Enjoy it!

  25. I started by teaching them a few weeks ago "The Books of the New Testament" which is the tune of "Praise to the Man". This has helped alot since they now know the tune and will just need to learn the words!

  26. I wanted to leave a suggestion as to the printing cost of the flip chart. I go to the church distribution and you can purchase most of the pictures that are needed for the flipchart. If you have that option, it is less expensive than printing from your own printer.

  27. I taught the first verse as a brand new Chorister last week, I think it went pretty well, but I sure wish I had found your visuals before I started!! They are MUCH better than mine!

    I will be teaching the 2nd verse this week, and am wondering if I am missing something, or is there no second verse in your flip chart?

    Thanks, your site will be a valuable source for me!!!

  28. Thank you thank you thank you!! I love your flip charts. I was going to make my own, till I stumbled upon your blog. Thanks!

  29. Thank you! I am using this in my ward too. :)

  30. To Anonymous who posted on May 4 wondering about the second verse: The Primary Program only calls for the first and third verse this year.

    To Bridges: Thank you so much for posting this! It is a huge help.

  31. To save a little on ink, I only printed the chorus once.

  32. Where did you find the pictures for this fantastic flip chart? Our primary is over 100 children so I find that printing this in 8 1/2 by 11 is too small. I usually have to print each line of the song on one sheet of paper and the the picture itself has to be an 8 1/2 x 11. Then I mount them to poster board. I'd love to know where you found your pictures so I could print or order just the picture in an 8 1/2 x 11 size. Thanks!

  33. I used the flipchart the first Sunday and the Junior Primary was still completely lost and caught up with the big words. I went home a little discouraged.

    With a lot of prayer and thought, I am teaching both Junior and Senior primary this song in sign language. I am happy to report that on the first Sunday teaching them sign language, we got through the first verse AND the chorus!! They learned the song so quick! I am so proud of them. It really helps to have those actions to remind them of the words.

    I still use the beautiful photos in this flipchart to explain the life of Joseph Smith, but in my experience, using sign language has made all of the difference.

    In case anyone is curious, I went to the LDS music website. They have many songs in ASL. I only use about 4 signs per line. The guy on the church website goes pretty fast and it was hard to pick some of the signs out. I found other actions for signs on other websites.

    Good luck everyone!

  34. Thank you Heidi for that idea. Here is a link to the hymns in ASL:,17631,7208-1,00.html

  35. I think I already asked this question but don't know if you saw it. I would love to change the words to Dutch so I can teach it to my primary children in the Netherlands. Can you let me use it in word?

    1. Hi q8 BAC,
      Email me, and I'll send you the file.

  36. I cannot get the link to work for me. Is it not available anymore?
